Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Task for Adult Babies

Here is a task for the adult babies and those who wish to give this a try

Task consist of:
Forced Dressing
Diaper soiling/messing
Public Humiliation

Items required
Females: Blouse and Skirt or Short Dress, Diaper
Males: Shirt and slacks or jeans, Diaper

Task requires you to dress with your diaper on and then your clothes and go to a mall or public shopping place. You will stay for a min. of 2 hours and no longer then 4 hours. Durning this time you visit the mall and the stores. You may not pee or soil your diaper until at least two hours have passed. After two hours have passed when you feel the urge to pee or soil your your diaper you will stop in place where ever you are and relieve yourself into your diaper. If you are unable to do this before 4 hours is up you will leave and will have failed the task and must reattempt this task the next day. You have three attempts to complete this before reporting you totally failed the task and ask for a punishment task for failing the task.

If you are able to complete this task you will wear your pee filled or soiled diaper until after you have typed out at least 250 words describing how it felt to take on the task, where you went and where you where when you relieved yourself into the diaper and how you feel reporting to the group. Afterwards you may shower and clean up.

Pictures of you dressed and shown wearing your diaper earn you extra towards your score, however are not required.


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